
目前显示的是 四月, 2024的博文

memo xwiki inial

To create a database, a user, and set a password in your MariaDB container for use with XWiki, you’ll need to access the MariaDB command line interface and run a few SQL commands. Here’s how you can do it step-by-step: ### Step 1: Access the MariaDB Container First, you need to access the shell of your MariaDB container. Assuming the name of your MariaDB container is `mariadb`, you can use the following Docker command: ```bash docker exec -it mariadb bash ``` ### Step 2: Log into MariaDB Once you are inside the container, log in to the MariaDB command line interface: ```bash mysql -u root -p ``` You will be prompted to enter the root password that you specified when setting up the MariaDB container. ### Step 3: Create the Database Run the following SQL command to create a new database for XWiki. Replace `xwikidb` with the name you want for your database: ```sql CREATE DATABASE xwikidb CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin; ``` ### Step 4: Create a User Now, create a user and grant